December 21, 2022

TacoTuesday.com - the first and only all-inclusive ultimate Taco Tuesday resource for everyone, everywhere – is thrilled to announce that it is making its long-awaited debut, with a responsive tech-driven website and 70s-esque taco fantasy commercial produced by a stellar team of award-winning creatives.

“We are so excited to finally give the universally beloved taco the online presence, praise and glory it deserves,” said TacoTuesday.com Founder and President Pamela Waitt, who purchased the coveted TacoTuesday.com domain in 2019. “We are so grateful to the taco for attracting such amazing people, with skills and talents that have significantly contributed to creating not just a website and commercial but a lifestyle brand that supports restaurant owners in a time of great uncertainty while encouraging everyone, everywhere to Eat More Tacos and spread some joy.”

The new and mobile-responsive TacoTueday.com website has been given a tech upgrade by developer Raf Szuminski, a wunderkind who developed autonomous rescue robots in middle school and high school as part of a UCI rescue robotics competition to working with tech giants such as Google and Nvidia on augmented reality and AI applications. 

The TacoTesday.com commercial, the first of several which is now airing on Bravo, E! and more, was produced and directed by Kimberly Cole, a renowned Billboard charting songwriter, recording artist, executive producer, and multidisciplinary creative alongside Filmmaker and Director of Photography Jacob Mendel in collaboration with Flawless Post. The original music was written by Jeeve, a Franco-American multi-Platinum Grammy Award winning producer, songwriter, composer, arranger and mix-mastering engineer who works with popular recording artists from around the world.

“We are so proud of the evolution of TacoTuesday.com and the team that has worked to bring this taco vision to life,” said Cole. “My heart was immediately drawn to the brand for so many reasons. It’s truly a space that resonates love and inclusivity at a time when we need it most, supporting restaurant owners and all things related to a beloved food that speaks a universal language. It’s where culture meets cause, and where tech meets taco. The commercial and visuals to come is our way of finding that connection which crosses all borders, languages, and beliefs and sends a simple yet powerful message: “Eat More Tacos and be happy.” 

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